Slow but cool
Slow but cool
It has some good wallpapers but most of what are saw are pretty bland and there are no categories to help filter what you do and dont want to see. Also the ads are very annoying, there is a constant ad bar at the bottom that never goes away and for every 5 wallpapers you look at you get to watch a video ad. It is just ad after ad after ad.
Its really cool and actually works
I really like the way they made this app
I love This
Love this app! There are so many beautiful Wallpapers to choose from. LOVE IT!
Its such a cool app and I love it!
Cool moving pics
It is a weary good app
Pretty cool app.
Great app and wallpapers
Great app ever found
too many ads, didnt like the overall design sorry
After I bought it on my iPhone and used one of the pictures for my home screen, I dont know if its working or no.
Its great
Is ok ig
I love it